Celina Real Estate is a series of mini-episodes created and produced by Celina Realtor Ron Lyons and his wife Crystal featuring the remodel and transformation of historic homes. Each of the homes featured in the series are going to be repurposed for restaurants, professional office use or even wedding venues and AirBnB.
In this episode, Ron and Crystal Lyons feature a Celina, Texas home known as the Ash Street Project. Join them on their journey through foundation work, new roofs, full exterior painting, interior remodeling and more. This particular property is set to become an AirBnB and has a real vintage, 1020's art deco vibe about it.
Do you love home makeovers? Perhaps you have a thing for historic home preservation? So do Crystal and Ron. In fact, they have been called the North Texas version of Chip and Joanna Gaines. Although they would disagree, there are some serious similarities!