Celina, Texas: Today, CelinaRadio.com Podcast is about six weeks old and the podcast is doing AMAZING. In fact, the numbers are incredible, the public response has been tremendous and we have no desire to slow down. As a matter of fact, we are still building up, getting faster, stronger and better.
'I believe that one of the main reasons we are doing so well is because most podcasts are dry and boring" said Ron Lyons, host of the CelinaRadio.com Podcast. Lyons believes that his fresh, new approach to podcasting in Celina, Texas is very appealing to many of the Celina residents. A quick look at the statistics from the show would seem to indicate that he is right.
Currently, Celina, Texas podcast offerings are typical for an area the size of Celina. Lyons said that there is a city based podcast called "Life in Celina TX," as well as one done by the local newspaper called "On The Record in Celina TX" as well. There are also several church based podcasts and a couple of hobby level podcasts according to Lyons.
When asked what makes CelinaRadio.com Podcast different than either Life in Celina TX or On the Record, Lyons pointed out that it's more important to look at the similarities first. He added that the fuel behind all of the Celina TX podcasts is a deep appreciation for the city of Celina and its people. However, when pressed about the differences, Lyons stated that has a lot to do with presentation and style. Lyons said that he prefers to take a real "radio" approach to the CelinaRadio.com Podcast whereas most of the others simply sound similar to people talking at the next table over in a restaurant.
Lyons said that he believes that the CelinaRadio.com Podcast Don's directly compete with either the Life in Celina TX podcast or the On the Record in Celina, TX podcast simply because they are so different. "I think that people who listen to podcasts all have different tastes just like people who eat at restaurants have different tastes." In the end, listeners will make the ultimate decisions regarding local Celina, TX podcasts and some will rise in popularity as others fall away.
Celinaradio.com Podcasts started out with a really significant launch by interviewing eight candidates for Celina City Council and Celina ISD School Board. But, the approach wasn't that of a boring, canned interview. Instead, Lyons took the approach of helping his listeners get to know who the candidates were "behind the scenes." In each case, bringing a lighthearted and positive aspect of each candidate to the show.
Where is CelinaRadio.com headed? "To the top!" according to Lyons. It would seem that in all of Lyons endeavors from real estate to podcasting, he aims to be the best and nothing less. 'A really wise friend once told me that in anything I ever do, be the BEST at it. And so I do,"
CelinaRadio.com can be found on it's namesake website as well as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Sticher, Podchaser, Amazon Music, TuneIn and many more.